Partisan Collaboration in Policy Adoption: An Experimental Study with Local Government Officials
This paper uses a conjoint experiment involving U.S. municipal officials to test the co-partisanship effect on policy collaboration.
This paper uses a conjoint experiment involving U.S. municipal officials to test the co-partisanship effect on policy collaboration.
This paper combines the difference-in-differences (DiD) methods and content analysis to examine the effectiveness of collaborative platforms in supporting local collaborations for natural resource management.
This paper conducts a paired of experiments on citizens and municipal policymakers to examine the impacts of trust in government on coproductioin in disaster resilience planning.
This paper combines the regression discontinuity in time (RDiT) design and longitudinal analysis to examine the impacts of state legislation and the subsequent collaborative projects on water quality.
Using a conjoint experiment, this research compare the effects of effectiveness and democratic values in predicting public program evaluation, conditioned on citizens’ trust in government.
This research utilizes public integrity information, randomly assigned as the instrumental variable, to explore the impact of trust in government on citizens’ perceptions of collaborative governance.
This paper uses the synthetic control method, incorporating monthly water quality data from 14 river monitoring sites in two neighboring cities, to examine the effectiveness of the Network Administrative Organization (NAO) model in reducing water pollution.